Sunday, June 26, 2011

Weyerhaeuser Water System Transfer

We are currently talking with the Forest Service regarding access to our water storage tank via FS Road #7140. The Forest Service wants to close FS 7140, which would leave us without access to the storage tank.

Anyone with knowledge of the arrangement between Weyerhaeuser and the Forest Service when the water tank was installed (1986) or the transfer of Weyerhaeuser property to the Forest Service in February 2001, please contact me. We need documents, meeting notes, recollections, ect. to help make our case with the Forest Service. I can be reached by phone at 206.719.8436 or email at


Scott Rush

CVHA History

If anyone has old newsletters, Annual Meeting or other Board meeting minutes, notes or documents, etc, relating to the general history or business history of Crystal Village, please let us know. We would like to build an archive of all these old documents to remember where we've been to help us go forward. We can use copies or scans of the documents. They can be sent to CVHA, 17222 Crystal Dr. E, Greenwater WA 98022 or emailed to