Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Increased Hwy 410 cell coverage

All our SR 410 communities understand the safety emergency response need and are in support for getting reliable cell signal along the SR 410 corridor. So far, the cell signal petition campaign has collected over 3,100 support responses.

As representatives of your community, please forward this email to anyone who can attend the March 19th Monday 7:30pm Fire Commissioners public meeting at 59705 SR 410 E Community Center / Fire Station.

Key individuals are planning to come to the 3/19 Fire Commissioners meeting such as Dan Roach, Councilman, Katie Gillespie, Pierce County Hazard Mitigation Emergency Management, Chris Hurst, 31st District Representative and Crystal Resort management staff.

I'm working along with other volunteers helping PCFD #26 on the Cell Signal Campaign and organizing proposal content that will be presented at a future date to one or more wireless providers. We need strong community participation at the 3/19 Monday 7:30 pm Fire Commissioners SR 410 community center meeting.

Thank you,
360-663-0446 CRR

Saturday, March 10, 2012

CVHA Board Meeting 3/15/12

Here is the agenda for The March Board Meeting. 6p at Jeff Barth's home: 16804 Rainbow Lane.

March 15, 2012 CVHA Board Meeting Agenda

Election of Board Officers
Old Business
1) Reading and approval of January 2012 meeting minutes
2) FS 7140 road closure update
3) Water Manager Report
4) Trees on water right of way; scope of project, etc.
5) Treasurer’s Report

New Business
1) Fire Hydrant plan in CV1
2) Parked bus in CV1 / parked non-operating vehicles
3) CV 1 Culvert

Friday, March 9, 2012

Break-in at Silver Springs

There was a report of a break-in at Silver Springs recently. It is the time of year we see an increase in break-ins. This is a wakeup call for extra awareness of any unusual activity.